battle at Kruger—–—–
Mr. Kacmaz (pronounced KATCH-maz) is part of a group of Turkish educators who have come to this battleground (Pakistan) with an entirely different vision of Islam. Theirs is moderate and flexible, comfortably coexisting with the West while remaining distinct from it. Like Muslim Peace Corps volunteers, they promote this approach in schools, which are now … [Read more…]
Remember the movie Wag the Dog? The Bureau of Labor Statistics seems to have liked that movie: Back to music. Music sharpens mental acuity for aging boomers in today’s NYT: “There is a gradual growing awareness that challenging your brain can have positive effects,” Dr. Cohen said. He said the plasticity of the brain … [Read more…]—–
WritersCorps youth spoke their words last night at Intersection in the Mission, San Francisco.—–
The Music National Service Initiative looks to teachers like Jeremy Cohen as models for the kind of creativity, innovation and true grit required to do the difficult and important work of reviving music education in our nation’s schools. With African drumming, he has found a real solution to a fundamental dilemna: how to engage and … [Read more…]
MusicianCorps will expand access to quality music education for disadvantaged youth. But The Music National Service initiative really comes from a broader desire to promote the use of music (and youth service) to achieve many civic and social goals, not just public school education ones. El Sistema addresses poverty and youth development; Goldman Prize winner, … [Read more…]
Anybody catch his extensive comments about this yesterday in his address to the NAACP? We’d love to get a link to that video clip or transcript…—–
I realize that I’m way late on this one. Just saw it last night. But how amazing (and somewhat cathartic to know) that so many people have seen a film that honestly depicts the passion and struggles of a talented, but “undiscovered,” singer songwriter. How could an artist be so gifted, authentic, driven and raw…and … [Read more…]
Check out this article in NYT mag tomorrow. MNSi is happy to be studying with our friends (at Harvard’s Project Zero and CAPE) who promote the “studio habits” impact of the arts. But we also thank the friendly west coast crew that’s showing us how more music ALSO makes for better math and reading : … [Read more…]